Cancel / Rearrange an Appointment

Need to cancel or rearrange an appointment, you can do this via the online form here -

Assistance in respect of a patient who is currently in our care

If your enquiry relates to a patient who is currently in our care, please contact the ward direct in the first instance via the hospital switchboard on 01322 428100 and ask to speak with the Nurse in Charge or the Matron who can support your enquiry and help to prevent any unnecessary delays. 


Patients can ask a friend or relative to speak on their behalf, but we must first have the permission of the patient before we can discuss any personal circumstances with anyone else.    

Test Results and Investigations

Please note that PALS is not a clinical service, and as such, we cannot provide medical advice, information or results – for this you would need to speak with the referring clinician, or with the Consultant responsible for your care.

Waiting Times

We thank you for your patience during this challenging time, please be assured that patients will be booked in line with clinical requirements and in chronological order. We are working hard to return to normal, and are commencing a staggered restart for surgical operations. You will be contacted when there is a planned date for your surgery. Current waiting times for routine surgery can be found here

Please note that PALS officers are unable to bring forward appointment or surgery dates.

Medical Records

If you would like information on how to request a copy of your medical records, please contact our Health Records Department on 01322428100 (ext 8099) or by email at

Outpatient Appointment

If your concerns relate to an outpatient appointment request or cancellation, please call the appointments team direct on 01322 428350 or complete the online form, please click here   

Patient Initiated Requests to Move Provider (PIDMAS)

Please note that you cannot apply to move to a different hospital for your care/treatment through this form.

If you require further information on PIDMAS, please see our dedicated page – click here

If you are wishing to receive your care/treatment at our Trust, we are unable to confirm any details until the transfer is completed. Please discuss this with your current provider (Trust).