The Darent Valley Hospitals Paediatric CEW (Complications of Excess Weight) team, led by Dr Alok Gupta, Consultant Paediatrician, hosted the South East CEW Conference on Monday 20th May 2024 at The Hilton Hotel in Dartford.
Team members, including consultants, nurses, physiotherapy dietitian, psychology and admin support organised the event and invited experts speakers to present on topics related to excess weight in children and young people such as, insulin resistance, Type 2 Diabetes and PCOS.
The event also allowed other centres within the network (Southampton, Brighton, Portsmouth and Oxford Hospitals) to present their current data and outcomes for their patient groups. The afternoon involved workshops, which explored how to set up a CEW service, barriers to weight loss and reversal of insulin resistance. Also for the first time, since the development days have been running, the day was organised as a conference and opened up to other health care professionals who work with children living with excess weight, commissioners managing weight management services and teams looking at setting up CEW services in region but also from London. In all, 95 delegates attended, and the day was a huge success.