I am a Diabetes and Endocrinology Consultant at Darent Valley Hospital.

About me: I have great passion and commitment for developing high quality care for people living with diabetes locally and I enjoy working in multidisciplinary teams. I started as a consultant in December 2016 to transform the delivery of diabetes services in Dartford and to provide effective clinical leadership for expanding and redesigning Diabetes services.
I have completed my extensive specialist training for 5 years in South East London and finished my Diabetes research for 3 years looking into the pathophysiology in the development of type 2 diabetes in black ethnicity in the centre for excellence for diabetes care, King’s college Hospital and King’s college, London. I have published in several peer reviewed journals. I am an enthusiastic teacher, supervising and supporting medical students as long term conditions co-lead.
I lead on delivering mandatory diabetes education for doctors in our trust and also the clinical governance and diabetes audit lead. Our trainees have completed several quality improvement projects that significantly changed the way we deliver diabetes care, leading to development of our joint diabetes renal clinics and mandatory education on Insulin safety. I have also completed the international award winning 2 year leadership development programme, with formal training at the world-leading Ashridge business school called ‘Diabetes UK clinical championship programme’ and proud to be one of 105 champions in the whole of UK, striving for excellence in Diabetes care locally.
I also do general medical on- calls and work in the acute medical unit treating acutely unwell patients and also did a quality improvement project on improving patient flow.
Specialist clinics: I run the following clinics:
- General Diabetes Clinics on Monday afternoons
- Diabetes clinics on Tuesday mornings for patients with Complex Type 2 diabetes, Type 1 Diabetes needing new technology and other rarer types of diabetes in adults
- General Endocrine Clinics on Wednesday afternoons for patients with Thyroid, Pituitary, Parathyroid and adrenal disorders with good links to King’s college hospital Pituitary and Adrenal MDTs
- Multidisciplinary Insulin pump clinics on Wednesday mornings
- Joint Diabetes renal clinics quarterly with my renal Colleague Dr Nihil Chitalia
- Monthly Endocrine telephone Clinics.
- I also review inpatient referrals from all other specialties for patients admitted with diabetes and endocrine conditions to reduce their length of stay and currently developing good peri-operative diabetes pathway along with POPS team. (Proactive care of older people going to have surgery)