A service to help couples with fertility problems is now available at Darent Valley Hospital. HyCoSy or hysterosalpingo - contrast Sonography, is a simple and safe test used to look at the condition of the fallopian tubes in women with fertility problems.
The procedure is performed by inserting a ballooned catheter (small tube) into the uterus (womb) and slowly injecting contrast foam into the cavity. An ultrasound scanner is then used to see if the flow of the foam in the tubes is normal. The contrast foam makes the tubes stand out on an ultrasound examination. Above all, other pelvic organs (uterus and ovaries) can be seen at the same time by this dynamic ultrasound examination, reducing the number of tests necessary to investigate infertility.
HyCoSy is the initial investigation to assess the status of the tubes, especially in women who do not suffer from pelvic pain or have a history of pelvic infection or repeated surgical operations. Before HyCoSy there were other procedures to assess the tubes. These procedures were expensive, involving radiation, dye, surgery/anaesthesia and hospitalisation. HyCoSy is less expensive, 30% cheaper, and relatively non-invasive in comparison.
Mr El-Sayed, lead consultant for fertility at the hospital said: “Straight after the procedure, I am able to discuss the results with the couple. This is very important as we can start further infertility management at the end of the test. This one-stop-shop approach helps to avoid undue delay or stress to the couple concerned.”