Service Overview

Lymphoedema is a chronic long-term condition that causes swelling in the body's tissues. It that happens when something affects your lymphatic system. Lymphoedema often affects your arms and legs, but may also affect other areas of your body. Healthcare providers cannot cure lymphoedema, but it is usually possible to control the main symptoms using techniques to minimise fluid build-up and stimulate the flow of fluid through the lymphatic system, including compression garments, skin care, exercise and lifestyle.

What to Expect

Your first appointment will last 2 hours. During the appointment, you will be asked for your full medical and social history and you will be given a physical examination, which will includ: Assessment of your skin and underlying tissues, assessment of your function and movement, measurement of any swelling. A care plan will be developed with you providing personalised advise. If you are suitable for compression garments these will be arranged via Patient Choice.

The most common infection of lymphoedema is CELLULITIS. This can be serious if not treated quickly. If you have any symptoms of cellulitis you should see your GP immediately. If your GP surgery is closed, you should attend your nearest Emergency Department (ED).

Symptoms of cellulitis: new redness in the affected area, new or increased redness and swelling in the affected area, skin feels hot or warm to the touch, affected area is tender or painful, burning sensation in the tissues, raised temperature with flu like symptoms.

Further Information

Emergency contact info:
If you have think you have a genuine life-threatening emergency, visit the Accident & Emergency (also known as Emergency Department or casualty.) Alternatively, call 999.

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