What is Respiratory Outpatients?

The Darent Valley Physiotherapy respiratory outpatient service provides 1:1 assessment, advice and treatment for patients with long term respiratory conditions. Appointments can be either offered at Darent Valley or Queen Mary’s Sidcup.

The purpose and principle of the clinic is to provide personalised treatment options for patients to be able to self-manage their long term respiratory condition. The aim is to minimise exacerbations and maximise quality of life.

Who is eligible?

Patients must be referred by either their GP or respiratory consultant and will have a diagnosis of any of the following:

  1. Long term lung conditions such as but not limited to COPD, bronchiectasis, asthma, IPF and ILD.
  2. Hyperventilation syndrome
  3. Dysfunctional breathing
  4. Patients who suffer with shortness of breath or secretion retention which has a respiratory cause.

What treatments do we offer?

Treatments we can offer include:

  1. Breathing exercises for secretion clearance
  2. Techniques to manage breathlessness
  3. Breathing retraining
  4. Adjuncts to improve lung volumes or clear secretions
  5. Manual techniques to aid the movement of secretions
  6. Chest clearance regimes
  7. Referrals to community services
  8. Advice and education
  9. Positions for secretion drainage

What can I do to prepare?

Please ensure you bring your inhalers and a list of up to date medication.