Service Overview

The Surgical Assessment unit (SAU) supports patients from a variety of referral sources, such as ward discharges, patients who are expected from GP or the ED department, who are triaged prior to transfer to the SAU. This process happens by a set of inclusion/exclusion criteria, or with a setting of a patient that can be discussed on an individual basis. 

What to Expect

On arrival, a patient can expect during their visit, an initial assessment within 30 minutes by a nurse.  Following this, you may have a set of pre-planned investigations undertaken, and then seen by a Doctor following results available, or assessed, and a plan for further investigations if required. 
You may have a range of investigations and treatments to be arranged. You will informed what those investigations are and when they will happen.
In some circumstances you may go home and be telephoned with the results of your investigations. The ultimate aim of which is to allow you to return home safely.  We strive to deliver a compassionate safe and reliable service that maintains your privacy and dignity at all times.

Further Information

Emergency contact info:
If you have think you have a genuine life-threatening emergency, visit the Accident & Emergency (also known as Emergency Department or casualty.) Alternatively, call 999.

Service feedback:

Your feedback is important to us. Please use the following forms to share your experience:

For advice you can contact the Advanced Nurse Practitioner on Bleep 970 or Emergency Access CNS for general surgery on Bleep 225.