Radiology and Pathology electronic requesting and reporting:
The System
The system is easy and intuitive to use. The request form is simple, and automatically completes patient information, reducing errors.
The system is paper-free, fast and efficient, checking for duplicate tests and using questions to ensure the most appropriate test is chosen.
The system will be used by primary care staff and Community clinics: such as doctors, nurses, some admin staff and allied healthcare professionals. *Radiology requesting is allowed only by specific radiology accreditations.
Yes, according to the person’s job role and qualifications:
- GPs will be able to request all tests and see all results
- AHPs will be able to request only those tests relevant to their role, provided that they have submitted a valid IR(ME)R certificate and professional registration number (see your practice manager for more information)
- Admin staff will have ‘view only’ access, allowing them to see which tests have been ordered, the progress of those tests and any results reported.
ICE will be rolled out across Kent and Medway GP practices and Community Trusts.
We are starting with Radiology orders and results for DGT primary care users. Please contact your practice’s ICE Super User for more information on when your practice will go live.
Please see your Practice manager and ICE super user for more details and advice.
To access the new user form, click here.
Contact your practice’s ICE super user for support, and complete either the New User or Modify User on this website.
- For a long-term locum, they can be set up on the system – ask your practice’s super user, and complete the access form.
- For a short term locum, they can be set up under a 'locum code' within EMIS, as long as the practice keeps full records of who uses these codes at all times. Results will then be forwarded to their supervising GP.
- Very short term locums are permitted to use the previous paper system. Results will be forwarded to their supervising GP.
DartOCM will eventually be decommissioned for Radiology requests, so please transition to ICE.
Users who continue to send requests sent via the legacy system will be encouraged and supported to transition to ICE.
Paper requests can be processed in exceptional circumstances only (e.g. system unavailable). Users who continue to send requests in this way will be encouraged and supported to transition to ICE.
Using ICE
ICE will be an option within EMIS, once you are within a patient record. See the Quick Reference Guide.
The system is very intuitive, and should be ready to use with minimal training. We advise you to familiarise yourself with the training materials linked below, to see how easy it will be to transition to ICE, and to be ready for when it goes live.
A short, interactive e-learning, downloadable quick start guides and other materials are available on the training page of this website, and your practice's ICE super user will be able to offer further assistance, if required.
The TATs (Turnaround Time) for reporting will remain the same.
ICE has the facility to view your requests and monitor their progress through the system (please refer to the quick reference guide).
Radiology results will be available to view on ICE as soon as they are authorised on the Trust systems.
Results will be integrated into EMIS and viewable within EMIS reports (see the quick reference guide for more information) as well as within ICE
Reports will be visible within ICE, and also within patient reports in EMIS (no change to current process).
If a report was requested from acute, within EMIS there will be a 'download' button in the reports option, to enable saving this report from ICE.
To learn more about reports, and the different ways to access them, please refer to the interactive e-learning, or the quick reference guide.
For ‘walk in’ tests that don’t require pre-booking, the patient can attend any Trust facility. Since the request is sent to the DGT Radiology central system, the patient and test details will be available at any site.
For tests that require a booked appointment, the patient will be contacted by the Radiology team to agree a time and location.
Yes, the data is safe. Before implementing NHS systems, they go through rigorous processes to ensure they comply with data protection regulations and clinical governance.
The ICE system supports a paperless environment. This not only saves on the use of paper and administration but also improves efficiency and clinical access through the introduction of electronic requesting, test selection, electronic reporting, and work sheet preparation. For Pathology, sample labels will be produced for sample containers (i.e. no hand-written labels needed). Electronic requesting will negate the need for printed request and report forms. These forms are usually supplied on pre – printed stationery, which can be expensive.
The progress/ statuses of all requests can be viewed directly on ICE, under ‘my requests’ (see the interactive e-learning for instructions). Clinicians will continue to receive alerts for ‘did not attends’ as per the current procedure.
It will not be possible to copy previous requests. Each request needs to be based on the current status of the patient, so should be entered individually.
To order tests, please refer to your local business continuity plan for the correct process.
Results can be accessed in EMIS reports: see the quick reference guide for instructions.
It is only possible to amend or delete your request before it is sent to DGT Radiology, or for a few seconds afterwards before it is acknowledged by the Radiology team. If it needs to be amended or deleted after this time, please contact the Radiology team direct on or call 01322 428100 X8569 or 4951 or 8568.
For more details, please see the quick reference guide.
Patient experience
The patient no longer receives any paperwork to take to the hospital/ other testing location. All their information is sent electronically. You may need to provide access/ accessibility information for people with particular requirements (e.g. refer to the provider’s website for wheelchair accessibility) or direct the patient to the facility’s website for opening hours.
There will be an improved patient experience by means of a reduction in the number of unnecessary samples (pathology) taken in error. There’s also a reduced opportunity for misdiagnosis, inappropriate treatment and/or delays in treatment through improved timeliness and clarity for the interpretation of results.
Yes – Electronic patient data is used and matched across systems, with an increase in use of NHS number as primary identifier. Clinical context for requests is prompted to clinicians to ensure all required information as well as reduce request and result enquiry times. Patient details are pre-filled, so are complete and legible which helps to reduce request enquiries, delays, and mistakes.
The system prevents the ordering of duplicate tests, which waste patient time. It also allows the clinician to see all tests ordered for that patient, giving a clearer history.
Further help and support
Your first point of contact is your practice’s ICE super user.
They are trained to answer common queries and issues. If needed, they can escalate any problems to the ICE central team, or seek IT assistance.