What is it? KnowledgeShare is our targeted current awareness service. Whenever we find high impact documents in your area, we’ll let you know.
Why use it? We give you the latest high-level evidence in your field.
How does it work? Your KnowledgeShare profile is created to be as broad or as specific as you need. For example, you could receive everything published on obstetrics or limit to receive items related to gestational diabetes.
An NHS OpenAthens account will help you to make the most of this service, enabling direct access to full text documents where appropriate. You can register at:
You will initially receive a wide range of publication types. Once you start receiving updates, let us know if you would like to focus on a particular type of publication or evidence level.
You may change these settings at anytime at (using your NHS OpenAthens account).
*Membership to Knowledgeshare is restricted to staff and students eligible for an NHS OpenAthens account.